Tiffany is now an official missionary! She was set apart on Tuesday night, April 14, 2009, by President Reusch, Stake President of the Salt Lake Rose Park Stake. We had a short devotional and then President Reusch gave her a really nice blessing. 
This is a picture of Tiffany with the Priesthood brethen who helped set her apart for her mission. From left to right: Dennis Hoskins, Bishop Foster (Tiffany's bishop), Tiffany, President Reusch, and President Steenblik (1st Counselor in the Stake Presidency).
This is a picture of the rest of the family who came to be with Tiffany when she was set apart. From left to right: Michele Hoskins, Ellen Butler (Tiffany's grandma), Tiffany, Cynthia Hoskins (Tiffany's stepmom), and Alicia Hoskins.