I know I am really behind on this blog. I apologize to everyone who logs on to see if there is anything new and then is disappointed. Anyway, here are excerpts from Tiffany's July 20th correspondence:
"Only one week left of this transfer! I found out the name of the new hermana that is coming next week, it's Emily Bonner. I thought the next one coming was supposed to be a native speaker but Sister Moffat (my Mission President's wife) said no, she's been at the MTC for 9 weeks, which means she was there for the last 3 weeks I was there. I wonder if I ever saw her...? I'm excited to meet her."
"Oh and guess what... I have to speak again this Sunday! Crazy. Maybe they really liked my jumbled bad grammar talk last time, who knows... No, this time its going to be all 4 missionaries that are serving in this branch. One of the Elders, Elder Campbell (the one who baptized Gabriela and Natalie) this is going to be his first time speaking in Sacrament Meeting while on his mission and he has been out for about a year. And this is already my second speaking assignment. Wow."
"This past week we made a type of Mexican food Mole (Mo-lay) at a member's house - Hermana Munoz taught her how to do it. This family is from Guatemala - the Samayoa family. Well I guess in Guatemala they don't eat very spicy food, like we don't. So Hermana Munoz says that there are different types of Mole and the kind we made was dulce (sweet). Well Hermana Samayoa and I both took a bite and both thought it was extremely hot/spicy. I don't think I want to try the non-dulce Mole. "
"They opened up a new sky train in Seattle on the 18th, so that was kind of fun. We didn't get to ride it though. Lots of things to do, so no time to ride it. We might ride it some day (on a P-day) though. "
"Well we have 3 people on date now! Still Carlos, although we had to move his baptism date back from the 25th of July to the 22nd of August because he has an old girlfriend living in the same house as him and while he says it's not a law of chastity problem, he doesn't feel right getting baptized until she is gone. Although when we mentioned the date of the 22nd, he asked 'what if I want it to be sooner?' That's so good. And then the other 2 that we have on date are kind of iffy... I can't decide about them. Evelia and Paulino, Evelia has a drinking problem and she can't read. I think she really like talking to us and learning but she can't read the Book of Mormon on her own, and her husband Paulino is a really nice guy and he can read, but I just don't sense the motivation or desire to learn from him. He likes to watch futbol (soccer) on TV a lot! So he doesn't get around to reading with his wife very often. Although it has only been 6 days so I guess I shouldn't worry too much. They did come to church yesterday. Oh yeah, that reminds me of a story. So the first time we met them, while tracting, we set up a lesson at a neighbor's house that is a member, and Evelia brought her little kitten with her. I think the kitten is only a few months old, her little gato, gatito (whenever you ad "ito" to the end of a word it means little. So gatito means little cat.) The gatito just laid on Evelia's shoulder the whole lesson, I thought, well that's the calmest kitten I've ever seen. Well it turns out that Evelia is always holding it and takes it everywhere with her. At the end of the less we set up a church tour with them and then when we met them at the church, she had her cat with her, so she brought her cat into the church for the church tour. lol. Then on Sunday, I guess they didn't know how long church was, so they told us after gospel principles class that they were going to go. We asked why and they said that the cat was in the car, but that they would come and stay all 3 hours next week. LOL, I hope that they don't bring the cat in church next time. :) Anyway, so they are on date right now for the 26th of August. Its in the middle of the week because it's Evelia's birthday and she wants to get baptized on her birthday."
"We also taught this guy named Jose. We tracted into him as well, in fact he is the neighbor of Evelia and Paulino. He was orphaned when he was young and when he would try to go to church the pastors would get mad at him because they would think that he was going to try to steal from them. So he doesn't go to church now, but he likes to read the bible and other religious books. So we gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and a pamphlet on the restoration and set up a church tour with him to teach him about the restoration. When he came to the church he ha read the pamphlet and had some questions, which is good. Most people won't even take the time to read the pamphlet, let alone think about it to have questions. So we answered his questions, invited him to church and set up another appointment with him. But then when we stopped by to visit him for a minute, since we were in the area, he had more questions. We can't go into his house unless there is another woman in the house, so we asked if he wanted to go over to the neighbor, who is a member, and sit outside on her patio and talk, but he said that she offended him once, so we just stayed on the porch and answered his questions. At the end he said that he was going to buy a Spanish bible, because he only had an English one, so that he could understand better and learn more. Then we left and after we left, he called us to cancel his appointment and to say that he wouldn't come to church on Sunday because he wanted to learn more first. Hermana Munoz was like that's why we're here, is to teach you, but I guess that he still feels like he needs to know more to talk to us and that he would call us."
"It's so crazy, everyone here is so poor. Most of the people live in apartments, and the rest live in trailers. In fact I have only been in one member's house that is actually a house. It makes me appreciate what I have. There are a lot of people that don't have jobs right now in the branch, which is hard because the branch can't do much to help them, because they don't have much money because 1) there aren't many members to pay tithing and fast offerings and 2) there the people that are in the branch don't really make much, so what they give, while it is generous, isn't very much. It's hard."
"We met this family this week. Norma and her daughters. Norma is married, but I haven't met her husband yet, because he works all of the time. There were a referral from the English-speaking Elders that tracted into them, but it turns out they are members. They have only lived in the place they do for a couple of months so they didn't know where the church was, and they don't have a car or a phone, so they couldn't get there if they did. They lived in Washington, then Norma's dad, who lived in Mexico, died suddenly. So they sold all they owned and went down there to help out. So now that they are back, they have to start all over. In fact they lived on the street for a little while. It's sad because the kids are 9, 14, 16 and 20. They are really nice though. The first time we met them, we stopped after an appointment that wasn't there. At that appointment we were going to show the lady how to make cookies, so when we stopped by Norma's we had everything we needed to make cookies, so we did. It was amazing to see their eyes light up when we mentioned cookies. I don't think they have had anything like that for a while. They really don't have much of anything."
"This week we had interviews with President Moffat. I can see why Keaton loved him as a Mission President." I can just feel the spirit radiating from him, and the love he has for all of us missionaries. I think it will be weird when we get a new mission president next summer."
"Well I love you all and think that my time is almost up. I do want to share one thing I learned in personal study this week though. It's in Helaman 3... It's kind of a random chapter, so the first time I read it, I thought why is this in here? So I read it again, because I know all of the words in there are in there for a reason. It made me think of the saying that necessity is the mother of invention (or something like that). In verse 7 it says that because they had little timber they became expert with cement, and if you think about all of the ancient ruins in South American, it's amazing that they are still there. So yeah, I would say they were expert in cement. It made me think that sometimes we don't always have what we think we want, or even think we need, but that if we trust in the Lord, everything will work out for our own good. And that through trials we can become stronger."
"I love you all and hope all is well. - Love, Hermana Hoskins"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
July 2009 pictures
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
More pictures from Seattle
pictures from Tiffany in Seattle
These are pictures from Tiffany's memory card, dated June 27, 2009.
Hermana Munoz, (Tiffany's companion), and Tiffany.
Second Week in Seattle
I am going to pick excerpts from both her email and her letter. So, if you already got her email, there might some information that you have already heard...
"I am still trying to get the language down. I am starting to understand a little more, and I am starting to have more patience with myself. "
"We have 3 people on date for baptism. One is a mom, Gabriela and her daughter Natalie. Gabriela called and ordered a 'Finding Faith in Christ' DVD and then asked for the missionaries to come. When I got here they had been teaching her for a couple of weeks. She is amazing though. She always says 'when I get baptized I'm going to...' She knows the Book of Mormon is true and all of the laws we have taught her, she is willing to live. Her daughter is only 7 but turns 8 next Friday, so she will be able to get baptized too. She comes to all of the lessons and usually offer the opening or closing prayer. It is good. Although Gabriella needs to find another job so that she won't have to work on Sundays."
"The other person on date for baptism is a guy named Jaime (sounds like Hi-may). But he doesn't have a car and would usually get a ride with his nephew, who is in jail now because he didn't pay some traffic violation tickets. We haven't been able to meet with him again since we put him on date to be baptized. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what will happen with that."
"This week (last Thursday) I went on splits with the other companionship of the Spanish-speaking sisters. I went with Hermana Williams and Hermana Weston cam here and spent the day working with Hermana Munoz. I was nice to talk to Hermana Williams. I guess she went through almost exactly what I have been experiencing these past two weeks. I guess every other week we have exchanges so, not this week, but next week I will go with Hermana Weston to the other area. "
"I am starting to get to know some of the people in the ward. There is one guy, who is a returned missionary, but has been less active in the church for awhile, named Memo. We taught him last Wednesday and he said that he felt the spirit for the first time in a long time. He said that he has seen how Hermana Munoz teaches and that he felt the spirit a lot from me, so he is going to trust us to teach one of his friends. He gave us the name, but not a way to get in contact with him yet, so we haven't been able to teach him. It was nice to know that even though I can't teach in Spanish very well, I still have the spirit and the spirit is able to testify through me."
"I don't know what everyone was talking about with the rain in Seattle. I has only rained about 2 times since I've gotten here." It has actually been pretty nice, except in the morning during personal study, I am always freezing."
"Next week, on Tuesday, we are going to go to the temple. I'm excited to go to the temple. But after this I'll have to wait 3 months to go again. I guess we only get to go once every 3 months."
"Every month I get $160.00 on my card - except this month I only got $60.00. It doesn't seem like very much, but it will be good to teach me how to budget better. Oh, and did I tell you that I am the driver of our companionship. So I have to learn the whole city! The car we have is a 2009 Chevy Malibu. It has horrible gas mileage - only like 16 -17 mpg. But is is nice to drive. Luckily we don't have to opay for gas out of the $160.oo they give us. But we do have to stay within our miles. For each month we get to travel 1,200 miles."
"Our mission president puts a lot of focus on teaching members to do missionary work. So we are actually supposed to teach member families throughout the week, too. We don't actually do as much tracting as I would have imagined. And the other sisters in Kent (our area is Seahurst) don't do really any tracting at all, because the members in their branch are so good at finding people for them to teach, that they are busy teaching and don't have any time to tract. When the members help, the appointments are more likely to go through and the people are more likely to keep their commitments. And when people keep their commitments, they get baptized because the Holy Ghost testifies to them. So the work in Kent is booming. Here is Seahurst, its a little harder to get help from the members - but it is possible."
"Oh, and I can't believe how much they are trying to feed me. I have a feeling I am going to gain weight here. So don't be surprised if I end up weighing 500 pounds when I get home."
"I love you all! I hope all is well and I hope to hear from you soon."
"I am still trying to get the language down. I am starting to understand a little more, and I am starting to have more patience with myself. "
"We have 3 people on date for baptism. One is a mom, Gabriela and her daughter Natalie. Gabriela called and ordered a 'Finding Faith in Christ' DVD and then asked for the missionaries to come. When I got here they had been teaching her for a couple of weeks. She is amazing though. She always says 'when I get baptized I'm going to...' She knows the Book of Mormon is true and all of the laws we have taught her, she is willing to live. Her daughter is only 7 but turns 8 next Friday, so she will be able to get baptized too. She comes to all of the lessons and usually offer the opening or closing prayer. It is good. Although Gabriella needs to find another job so that she won't have to work on Sundays."
"The other person on date for baptism is a guy named Jaime (sounds like Hi-may). But he doesn't have a car and would usually get a ride with his nephew, who is in jail now because he didn't pay some traffic violation tickets. We haven't been able to meet with him again since we put him on date to be baptized. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what will happen with that."
"This week (last Thursday) I went on splits with the other companionship of the Spanish-speaking sisters. I went with Hermana Williams and Hermana Weston cam here and spent the day working with Hermana Munoz. I was nice to talk to Hermana Williams. I guess she went through almost exactly what I have been experiencing these past two weeks. I guess every other week we have exchanges so, not this week, but next week I will go with Hermana Weston to the other area. "
"I am starting to get to know some of the people in the ward. There is one guy, who is a returned missionary, but has been less active in the church for awhile, named Memo. We taught him last Wednesday and he said that he felt the spirit for the first time in a long time. He said that he has seen how Hermana Munoz teaches and that he felt the spirit a lot from me, so he is going to trust us to teach one of his friends. He gave us the name, but not a way to get in contact with him yet, so we haven't been able to teach him. It was nice to know that even though I can't teach in Spanish very well, I still have the spirit and the spirit is able to testify through me."
"I don't know what everyone was talking about with the rain in Seattle. I has only rained about 2 times since I've gotten here." It has actually been pretty nice, except in the morning during personal study, I am always freezing."
"Next week, on Tuesday, we are going to go to the temple. I'm excited to go to the temple. But after this I'll have to wait 3 months to go again. I guess we only get to go once every 3 months."
"Every month I get $160.00 on my card - except this month I only got $60.00. It doesn't seem like very much, but it will be good to teach me how to budget better. Oh, and did I tell you that I am the driver of our companionship. So I have to learn the whole city! The car we have is a 2009 Chevy Malibu. It has horrible gas mileage - only like 16 -17 mpg. But is is nice to drive. Luckily we don't have to opay for gas out of the $160.oo they give us. But we do have to stay within our miles. For each month we get to travel 1,200 miles."
"Our mission president puts a lot of focus on teaching members to do missionary work. So we are actually supposed to teach member families throughout the week, too. We don't actually do as much tracting as I would have imagined. And the other sisters in Kent (our area is Seahurst) don't do really any tracting at all, because the members in their branch are so good at finding people for them to teach, that they are busy teaching and don't have any time to tract. When the members help, the appointments are more likely to go through and the people are more likely to keep their commitments. And when people keep their commitments, they get baptized because the Holy Ghost testifies to them. So the work in Kent is booming. Here is Seahurst, its a little harder to get help from the members - but it is possible."
"Oh, and I can't believe how much they are trying to feed me. I have a feeling I am going to gain weight here. So don't be surprised if I end up weighing 500 pounds when I get home."
"I love you all! I hope all is well and I hope to hear from you soon."
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
1st letter from Seattle - June 16, 2009
Here are excerpts from Tiffany's first letter after arriving in Seattle:
"Well I almost made it though the interview with the Mission President without crying, but I ended up crying during the closing prayer. I am just so grateful to our Heavenly Father for the sacrifice of His Son."
"Well, I made it to Seattle. My goal of giving away a copy of the Book of Mormon before I got here didn't work. But while I was in the Seattle airport I did try twice to give a copy away - failed both time. The first time the man wasn't very interested at all about receiving a copy of the Book of Mormon. The second time the guy was really nice... but didn't want it either. So I didn't want it either. So I didn't accomplish that goal but I feel good for honestly trying."
"I found out that there are a total of 4 Spanish-speaking sisters in the whole mission, including me! So I'm sure I'll be with the same companions most of the time. It is really hard to be here without any companions - I won't get to meet my 'trainer' until about 3:00 or 4:00 and it's only 11:00 am right now. It feels so weird to just be surrounded by Elders and not have any sisters except the mission president's wife. I will be so excited to get to meet my new companion and not feel so lost. I completely understand how returned missionaries feel lost when they get back from their mission... not having a companion to be around all of the time."
"Well this letter might not be the best letter I've written. My head is kind of all over the place today. It will be nice to get settled and have some stability. On the plane ride I met a couple of Elders that are in my mission but I don't know who I will end up working with."
"I love you all! Hope all is well!"
"Well I almost made it though the interview with the Mission President without crying, but I ended up crying during the closing prayer. I am just so grateful to our Heavenly Father for the sacrifice of His Son."
"Well, I made it to Seattle. My goal of giving away a copy of the Book of Mormon before I got here didn't work. But while I was in the Seattle airport I did try twice to give a copy away - failed both time. The first time the man wasn't very interested at all about receiving a copy of the Book of Mormon. The second time the guy was really nice... but didn't want it either. So I didn't want it either. So I didn't accomplish that goal but I feel good for honestly trying."
"I found out that there are a total of 4 Spanish-speaking sisters in the whole mission, including me! So I'm sure I'll be with the same companions most of the time. It is really hard to be here without any companions - I won't get to meet my 'trainer' until about 3:00 or 4:00 and it's only 11:00 am right now. It feels so weird to just be surrounded by Elders and not have any sisters except the mission president's wife. I will be so excited to get to meet my new companion and not feel so lost. I completely understand how returned missionaries feel lost when they get back from their mission... not having a companion to be around all of the time."
"Well this letter might not be the best letter I've written. My head is kind of all over the place today. It will be nice to get settled and have some stability. On the plane ride I met a couple of Elders that are in my mission but I don't know who I will end up working with."
"I love you all! Hope all is well!"
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tiffany is now in Seattle Washington
Tiffany is now in the Mission Field. She left the MTC at 5:00 am (early!) on Tuesday, June 16th to go to Seattle Washington. Her flight left Salt Lake at 8:00 am. I have updated her address on the right with the mission home address. I will update this address whenever it changes. I know that she would love to get letters from everyone. I will also let you know how she is doing as soon as I hear from her.
Highlights from May 15th letter
"Well, I'm not so sure h0w well my Spanish is coming along, but Thursday was the last time I got to teach in English. Next week we have to teach the entire first lesson (about the restoration) in espanol. Muy deficil. (very hard). :) But I know the Lord will help me. This week we read about Enoch - and we all know Enoch was a prophet and that his city was translated and everyone in it was taken up to Heaven. Well in Moses 6:31, when Enoch was first called as a prophet, he asks the Lord, why did you choose me? I am just a lad and I am slow of speech. The Lord replies to him in verses 32 - 34, "Open thy mouth and it shall be filled... for all flesh is in my hands... and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me." I love this scripture. The Lord loves us! What an amazing comfort and blessing for the Lord to ask Enoch "therefore walk with me." I want to live so that someday the Lord will invite me "therefore walk with me. "
Oh, and I haven't gotten a chance to call my investigator back yet. But I did get to call another lady. I talked to her about the restoration for like 30 minutes. She was really into it and was believing that it could have happened until I told her about the Book of Mormon and she suddenly stopped me to ask if we are Christian. I hopefully explained that we are. She still seemed open to hearing more and she said that it's okay if I send the missionaries over with a copy of the Book of Mormon.
Well, I love you all. I want you to know this really is the gospel and church of Christ restored on this earth! Heavenly Father loves us and wants nothing more than for us to be truly and eternally happy - Moses 1:39. And we can always go to the Lord if we need anything. The Savior knows everything we have ever gone through or will ever go through so He can strengthen us if we will go to Him! Alma 7:11-13, Ether 12:27."
Oh, and I haven't gotten a chance to call my investigator back yet. But I did get to call another lady. I talked to her about the restoration for like 30 minutes. She was really into it and was believing that it could have happened until I told her about the Book of Mormon and she suddenly stopped me to ask if we are Christian. I hopefully explained that we are. She still seemed open to hearing more and she said that it's okay if I send the missionaries over with a copy of the Book of Mormon.
Well, I love you all. I want you to know this really is the gospel and church of Christ restored on this earth! Heavenly Father loves us and wants nothing more than for us to be truly and eternally happy - Moses 1:39. And we can always go to the Lord if we need anything. The Savior knows everything we have ever gone through or will ever go through so He can strengthen us if we will go to Him! Alma 7:11-13, Ether 12:27."
Highlights from May 15th email
"I can't believe that is has already been one month, exactly today actually! Can you? Time here has just been flying by. I love it here. I get to learn so much everyday from the most amazing teachers, and on top of that I get to hear from a general authority every Tuesday. For the last two weeks we've had members of the quorum of the 12, which I guess is almost unheard of - to have two members of the quorum of the 12 right in a row. Wow. And to top it all off, as if that weren't enough, I have probably got the best companions in the world. We get along so well. Sister Wilkins has got an amazing voice - it is nice while we are walking somewhere or getting ready in the morning. Sister Hine is so easy to talk to.. she's the kind of person that you just sit next to and don't even have to know and feel like you can tell her your whole life story. I think I am going to be so sad when it comes time to head to Washington because I will miss them both. But in the same respect I also am way pumped to go out and teach people. Brother Richardson, my teacher, is a big Michael Jordan fan and told us this quote that he has from him, it goes "I fail over and over again, and that is why I succeed". We have to be willing to make the mistakes in order to be able to have great success. I think that Michael Jordan is probably one of the best examples of success (even though I'm still not happy they beat the Jazz in the NBA championship that year) :)
This week next Thursday is going to be the first time we have to teach the entire lesson in espanol... I am so nervous! I know that I know more than I think I do (did that even make any sense?) because when we have to do different tasks like teach someone how to pray, I do ok but I am still really nervous. Speaking of teaching someone how to pray, yesterday we had another TRC visit. This time we were supposed to teach someone the plan of salvation and the word of wisdom. Our lesson was really long. It flowed better than the week before but it stilll wasn't the best. I don't think I did as well as I could've but both Sister Wilkins and Sister Hine came out of the TRC asking me how I could teach so well. I guess that just shows how much the spirit was doing the teaching and not me. I definitely am not that good of a teacher. Both of my comps are probably better than me. I have such a hard time remembering scripture references when I want to share one with the person we are teaching, but both of them are actually really good at that. I am trying really hard to be better at that. It's really hard since I am also trying to learn Spanish at the same time. I guess that's why I need the Lord's help so much to do it. Can you all pray for me to be able to bring to my mind the scripture references I need when I need them? I think I am going to need all the help I can get for a while :)
I still want all of you to know that I really know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the same church that Christ set up while he was on the earth restored again. And that the only way to return to live with our Heavenly Father is to abide by it's teachings. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ!"
This week next Thursday is going to be the first time we have to teach the entire lesson in espanol... I am so nervous! I know that I know more than I think I do (did that even make any sense?) because when we have to do different tasks like teach someone how to pray, I do ok but I am still really nervous. Speaking of teaching someone how to pray, yesterday we had another TRC visit. This time we were supposed to teach someone the plan of salvation and the word of wisdom. Our lesson was really long. It flowed better than the week before but it stilll wasn't the best. I don't think I did as well as I could've but both Sister Wilkins and Sister Hine came out of the TRC asking me how I could teach so well. I guess that just shows how much the spirit was doing the teaching and not me. I definitely am not that good of a teacher. Both of my comps are probably better than me. I have such a hard time remembering scripture references when I want to share one with the person we are teaching, but both of them are actually really good at that. I am trying really hard to be better at that. It's really hard since I am also trying to learn Spanish at the same time. I guess that's why I need the Lord's help so much to do it. Can you all pray for me to be able to bring to my mind the scripture references I need when I need them? I think I am going to need all the help I can get for a while :)
I still want all of you to know that I really know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the same church that Christ set up while he was on the earth restored again. And that the only way to return to live with our Heavenly Father is to abide by it's teachings. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ!"
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Highlights From May 8th Letter
Tiffany writes: "This week Elder Ballard came to speak to us. It was such a good talk. He talked to us about having the desire to spread the Word of God. He told us that we have to be the best missionaries the church has ever sent out so that we can cut through all of the technological clutter that stops people from asking questions of the soul - like Why are we here? Where are we from? and Where are we going? He also pronounced an apostolic blessing on us that
1. We would have a deep abiding desire to find people and share the gospel;
2. The Spirit would be our constant companion;
3. We would have the power of discernment;
4. Foundation for things to come (that this mission will be a foundation for greater things in life to build on).
He was so amazing. He said that if we truly have the desire, miracles will happen."
"In the Training Resource Center (TRC) this week, we taught lesson 2 - I don't think I was ready, but I was still so uplifted by the end because we were still able to teach through the spirit - or the spirit was able to teach through us. Thursday was a really good day. It's almost like the Lord realized I couldn't wait any longer to have my prayers answered because it was like blessings were raining down on me. Two Spanish concepts I've been having a hard time with just clicked during language study. And then the same day my companions and I went to the referral center (RC) (where people call in to ask for DVD's and bibles and BoM's that they saw advertised). We are supposed to call to find out if they ever received that item and to find out how they liked it and try to teach them or send missionaries to them. I was really nervous to go call people. But while I was there I ended up getting an incoming call - I haven't been trained on how to receive calls but somehow it just worked. And the lady who called seems really interested. She called in for "The Lamb of God" DVD and also wants a copy of the Book of Mormon. And she said that it's ok if I call her back. So I now have an investigator. I'm so excited!"
"This week has been such a good week and has gone by really quickly!"
1. We would have a deep abiding desire to find people and share the gospel;
2. The Spirit would be our constant companion;
3. We would have the power of discernment;
4. Foundation for things to come (that this mission will be a foundation for greater things in life to build on).
He was so amazing. He said that if we truly have the desire, miracles will happen."
"In the Training Resource Center (TRC) this week, we taught lesson 2 - I don't think I was ready, but I was still so uplifted by the end because we were still able to teach through the spirit - or the spirit was able to teach through us. Thursday was a really good day. It's almost like the Lord realized I couldn't wait any longer to have my prayers answered because it was like blessings were raining down on me. Two Spanish concepts I've been having a hard time with just clicked during language study. And then the same day my companions and I went to the referral center (RC) (where people call in to ask for DVD's and bibles and BoM's that they saw advertised). We are supposed to call to find out if they ever received that item and to find out how they liked it and try to teach them or send missionaries to them. I was really nervous to go call people. But while I was there I ended up getting an incoming call - I haven't been trained on how to receive calls but somehow it just worked. And the lady who called seems really interested. She called in for "The Lamb of God" DVD and also wants a copy of the Book of Mormon. And she said that it's ok if I call her back. So I now have an investigator. I'm so excited!"
"This week has been such a good week and has gone by really quickly!"
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tiffany sent me the memory card from her camera so that I could download some pictures for the blog. Here are some pictures of the people in her zone.
This is a picture of Tiffany and her companions, I think it is outside of the Provo Temple. From left to right: Hermana Hines, Hermana Wilkins, Hermana Hoskins.
These are the Elders in Tiffany's zone. From left to right: Elder Anderson, Elder Rands, Elder Haertling, Elder Woodard, Elder Luce.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Highlights from May 1st letter
Tiffany writes: " We had another teaching opportunity at the TRC yesterday. It went really well. I don't know if I could have chosen better teaching partners or companions. Things are going really well here. I am super busy though. We wake up at 6:00. We go to class on the 5th floor at 7:00am and study until breakfast. Then we eat and go back to class and have a teach until lunch. Then we eat, then guess what. We go back to class on the 5th floor and study until dinner. Then we have go back to class and have another teacher until 9:00 pm. Then we plan for 30 minutes. Then head back to the dorm room (home). Crazy, huh? It is good though."
"In class this last week Brother Richardson was talking to us about remembering why we are here on missions and about how we are going into a spiritual battle. So he had us draw pictures of a shield and why we were here. It was really good."
"In class this last week Brother Richardson was talking to us about remembering why we are here on missions and about how we are going into a spiritual battle. So he had us draw pictures of a shield and why we were here. It was really good."
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
highlights from letter April 24th
Tiffany has two companions, Sister Hines and Sister Wilkins. Tiffany says that they get along really well and that both like to play basketball, which is nice, since that is one of Tiffany's favorite things to do.
Here are some highlights from her April 24th letter.
"We got to go to the temple today! I was so happy. ... They are keeping us pretty busy but I think that's a good thing. I am learning so much! I can write/say my testimony in espanol. Yo se, que Jesu Cristo es mi hermano y me ama yo se que el libro de mormon es la palabra de Dios y es verdadero! ... What I said was I know that Jesus Christ is my brother and loves me. I know that the Book of Mormon is the work of God and is true! Yesterday my companions and I got the chance to teach some people in what we call the TRC - Training Resource Center. Volunteers, usually converts to the church will come in and act as though this was before they had been baptized. So this was the first time that we got to go the the TRC and I was really kind of nervous. ... The teaching experience at the TRC was AMAZING! It was like we as companions weren't teaching but allowing the Holy Ghost to teach through us as one! It was the most powerful thing I've ever experienced! I loved it! When they would ask a question that I didn't have the answer to one of the other sisters would know exactly what to say! AMAZING! "
Here are some highlights from her April 24th letter.
"We got to go to the temple today! I was so happy. ... They are keeping us pretty busy but I think that's a good thing. I am learning so much! I can write/say my testimony in espanol. Yo se, que Jesu Cristo es mi hermano y me ama yo se que el libro de mormon es la palabra de Dios y es verdadero! ... What I said was I know that Jesus Christ is my brother and loves me. I know that the Book of Mormon is the work of God and is true! Yesterday my companions and I got the chance to teach some people in what we call the TRC - Training Resource Center. Volunteers, usually converts to the church will come in and act as though this was before they had been baptized. So this was the first time that we got to go the the TRC and I was really kind of nervous. ... The teaching experience at the TRC was AMAZING! It was like we as companions weren't teaching but allowing the Holy Ghost to teach through us as one! It was the most powerful thing I've ever experienced! I loved it! When they would ask a question that I didn't have the answer to one of the other sisters would know exactly what to say! AMAZING! "
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tiffany is now an official missionary! She was set apart on Tuesday night, April 14, 2009, by President Reusch, Stake President of the Salt Lake Rose Park Stake. We had a short devotional and then President Reusch gave her a really nice blessing. 
This is a picture of Tiffany with the Priesthood brethen who helped set her apart for her mission. From left to right: Dennis Hoskins, Bishop Foster (Tiffany's bishop), Tiffany, President Reusch, and President Steenblik (1st Counselor in the Stake Presidency).
This is a picture of the rest of the family who came to be with Tiffany when she was set apart. From left to right: Michele Hoskins, Ellen Butler (Tiffany's grandma), Tiffany, Cynthia Hoskins (Tiffany's stepmom), and Alicia Hoskins.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hermana Hoskins (Sister Hoskins in Spanish) made it to the MTC today. It was raining really hard all the way to Provo, but we made it safely - AND on time! Then just as we got to the MTC it started to snow. While we were in the MTC for the devotional, it started snowing really hard. It snowed so much that we had to clear off our cars to go back home. Tiffany's sisters, Brooke and Alicia were there, along with her Dad, Dennis, and her mom, Michele. It was a really nice devotional and we found out that the missionaries would be having ice cream from the BYU creamery that evening for dessert. I think maybe I should go on a mission... It looked like there were just two other sister missionaries being dropped off today, and about 40 or so elders. I will try to keep this blog updated with news and pictures of Hermana Hoskins's mission.
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